Summer Spy Camp!

Early Engineers


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join us for Early Engineers Summer Camp: Spy School Edition!

Spy school is in session and it's time to sharpen your super sleuth skills! First, we'll go through laser beam avoidance training. Then, we'll learn to communicate in secret code with the help of a device of our own creation! Of course, no spy school would be complete without building a LEGO spy car. You'll find these projects and so many more this summer at Early Engineers SPY SCHOOL camp; a camp for inventors! If you love creating with LEGOs, K'Nex, and circuits then grab your magnifying glass and join us at camp!

If Spy School wasn't enough to be excited about, we've got a new building material joining us this summer that the kiddos are going to be obsessed with!

We're excited to announce the newest addition to our Early Engineers summer camp: LittleBits! LittleBits are magnetic electronic building blocks that empower the inventor in everyone. We're adding LittleBits to our camp curriculum for the first time ever! We'll teach our campers about electronic power supplies, inputs, and outputs before setting them up with gadget challenges that they'll build themselves. How about a gadget that senses weight shifts and sets off an alarm when a thief picks up an ancient artifact? With LittleBits, our camper will be able to create that!

little bits

Hoping to see your kiddo in SPY SCHOOL this summer!

From the Early Engineers Team to you – Keep Dreaming!
1820 Tribute Road, Suite F, Sacramento, CA 95815

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